Hi Laurie,
I'm sorry for the loss of your son. I found out through facebook and was shocked to hear what happened, I ended up searching for articles surrounding the accident. I first met Dustin before we were actually students at UVM, I think it may have been a student visit or something along those lines. We became friends and had a lot of fun together while at school. We both worked out a lot and would often lift at the gym together. I've looked through my photos to see if I had many of him, and I found a couple from a couple summers ago when I made a trip to NY. I was visiting a few friends and we all met up for a night. I've attached a photo. If for some reason it doesn't work let me know and I can resend it.
Take care,
Dear Laurie,
I cannot express in words how utterly sad I am about the news of Dustin's death. Since I read your email two days ago I have been having memories of Dustin at the Tyler Place and at his birthday party. He was such a handsome and vibrant little boy. You must have been so proud that he was about to enter law school. I am sure your love and commitment to him over the years enabled him to get to such a positive place.
I can only imagine the pain and the grief that you are going through. It is difficult to know what to say or what I can do to be of some help to you. If you would like to get together to talk, or have lunch, or see a movie, or whatever, let me know.
Henry sends his love and condolences. Let's be in touch soon.
With love,